Caramelised Baby Carrots with Puy Lentils Recipe
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In case you thought glazed carrots were for fancy restaurants only, this recipe insists that anyone can make them happen. Leave it to the savoury, flavour-packed lentils to make this dish a wholesome dinner rather than dessert!
You will need
Serves 2
- 1 bunch baby carrots, 3 cm stalk reserved
- Vegetable oil
- 1 cup vegetable stock
- 1 heaped tablespoon brown sugar
- 2 tablespoons oat butter (or vegan gluten-free butter if required)
- Pinch of salt & pepper
- 1 cup puy lentils
- 1 cup vegetable stock
- 1/4 cup red wine
- 1 bay leaf
- 3 sprigs thyme
- Reserved carrot tops
- Wedge of lemon
Recipe: Simon Toohey
Step 1
Remove the carrot tops, reserving 3cm of the stalk.
Step 2
Add carrots and oil to a hot pan, cook for a few minutes to bring out the deep colours.
Step 3
Add the lentils, vegetable stock, red wine, bay leaf & thyme to a pot, cover and cook over low heat for 25 minutes.
Step 4
To the carrots, add stock, brown sugar, oat butter, salt and pepper. Cover carrots with a cartouche (a baking sheet cut into a circle to fit inside the pan, with a 2cm hole at the centre) and cook over medium-low heat for 25–30 minutes or until the liquid has reduced. Remove the cartouche and season with salt.
Step 5
Plate the lentils, then top with the caramelised carrots and spoonfuls of the sauce. Garnish with sprigs of reserved carrot tops and serve with a wedge of lemon.
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Recipe: Simon Toohey