Raw Kohlrabi Ravioli with Mushroom Broth Recipe
Gluten-free option
Refined sugar free
Nut-free option
Freshly Picked
Easy peasy
Comfort food
Lazy dinners
Main meals
If you’ve never cooked with kohlrabi, this dish is about to take you from zero to hero. The mandolin slicer will be your best friend on this one, turning the hardy, vitamin-C-packed veggie into excellent little ravioli envelopes.
You will need
Serves 2
- 1 kohlrabi
Black garlic oil
- 6 cloves garlic
- 60ml vegetable oil
Mushroom broth
- 60g chestnut mushrooms
- 20g dried shiitake
- 1 clove garlic
- 1/4 brown onion
- 1 dried red chilli
- Soy sauce to taste (or tamari for gluten-free option)
- 20g peas
For the filling
- 1 jar nut-based feta (or vegan feta of choice)
- 1 lemon, juice & zest
- Bunch kohlrabi leaves
To serve
- Bunch fresh mint
Recipe: Simon Toohey
Step 1
Chop up the garlic and place in a pan with the oil and cook until black. Let cool then blitz in a food processor (with the oil) or mortar and pestle it to a paste.
Step 2
Chop up the chestnut mushrooms and half the dried shiitakes, placing in cold water with the garlic, onion and dried red chilli — the water should just cover the ingredients. Bring to the boil then reduce to a simmer and cook down until there is 1/4 of the original water level (about 10 minutes). Season with soy sauce. Just before finishing the broth, add in the peas.
Step 3
Blanch the kohlrabi leaves in boiling water, then shock in cold water and blitz them with the nut feta and lemon juice. Alternatively, you can chop them really finely and mix them through the feta along with lemon juice. (Be sure to save the zest for the finishing product!)
Step 4
Peel away the hard skin of the kohlrabi and use a knife to trim it down to as round a shape as possible. Carefully use a mandolin to slice the kohlrabi wafer-thin. On each round slice of kohlrabi, place a spoonful of the nut feta filling in the centre and squeeze them together to make little raviolis — in whatever shape you find easiest! Place the raviolis in bowls.
Step 5
Strain the larger veggies out of your broth. Pour in some broth with the raviolis, including some peas and chestnut mushrooms. Add some of the black garlic oil and lemon zest — and top with a few fresh mint leaves!
Hot tip!
If you have some vibrant, purple kohlrabi leaf stems — finely chop one of them to sprinkle a little pop of colour over the dish for a beautiful final touch!
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Recipe: Simon Toohey